Tips for Secure Email from Cybercrime

Tips for Secure Email from Cybercrime

The internet is indeed a global source of information, where information seekers from all corners of the world converge. However, because of this, the internet has also become a fertile ground for cybercriminals to carry out their activities. One of the tools used on the internet for criminal purposes is email. Through email, others can engage in spam, scams, or send viruses. Therefore, caution is necessary when using email. Here are some tips for safely using email on the internet.

  1. Check your email at
  2. Always periodically change passwords related to your linked email, such as social media, marketplaces, and other applications that use email.
  3. Be cautious when opening email attachments.
  4. Guard your personal information carefully.
  5. Be careful when clicking links in emails.
  6. Secure your email password.
  7. Do not enter usernames/passwords randomly.
  8. Always remember to sign out/log out of your email account when you're done.
  9. Do not reply to spam emails, offensive emails, or harassing emails.
  10. Ensure that your computer has antivirus, antispyware, and firewall software installed and regularly updated, and do not use pirated operating systems.
  11. Exercise extra caution if you receive an email claiming to be from your bank or another institution.
  12. Exercise extra caution when opening emails using email management software.