Why Is Page Speed So Important?

Why Is Page Speed So Important?

How do you react when you open a website, and it loads very slowly? You're likely to feel frustrated and quickly close that website. You're not alone. According to Google, 53 percent of internet users in Indonesia will leave a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

The unpleasant experience of dealing with a slow-loading website should be a significant consideration when creating a website. To provide the best user experience for website visitors, you must offer a fast-loading website.

The Importance of Website Speed Optimization:

In addition to impatient visitors who won't wait for a slow website to load, there are other reasons why website speed should be a top priority for you. Here are five critical reasons why website speed matters:

Impatient Visitors:

Internet users are impatient when it comes to getting what they want, whether it's information or making a purchase. According to Google's research, 53 percent of internet users in Indonesia will leave a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

Slow Websites Don't Get Return Visitors:

Once visitors realize that your website is slow to load, they are unlikely to return to your site. According to a Kissmetrics survey, 79 percent of visitors will not return to a website they consider slow.

Meeting Smartphone User Needs:

Smartphones have become an integral part of Indonesian society. According to Google's research, 94 percent of internet users in Indonesia access the internet through smartphones. Most Indonesian internet users access the internet through smartphones because it's more convenient and faster. As a website owner, you must address this challenge by optimizing website loading speed on mobile devices.

Fast Websites Rank Higher on Google:

Google uses various factors to determine rankings in search results. One of the key factors is the loading speed of your website. The faster your website loads, the higher it will rank in Google's assessment. This factor applies to search results on both desktop and mobile.

Fast Websites Lead to Rapid Growth and Increased Profits:

Improving website loading speed is not without purpose. High website speed will increase website traffic. Additionally, a fast website provides a better user experience, making it easier for visitors to make purchases and transactions on your website.

Why Google PageSpeed Insights?

There are various tools available to help you check website speed. Some website speed check tools you can use include Pingdom, Geek Flare, GTMetrix, WebPageTest, and Google PageSpeed Insights.

Google PageSpeed Insights (PSI) is a free tool that provides the most accurate reports compared to other tools. Moreover, Google PageSpeed Insights is an official tool released by Google, so the evaluation indicators used are in line with Google's standards.

Since November 2018, Google PSI has officially used Lighthouse technology. Lighthouse was previously a separate tool used to check website performance as a Google Chrome extension.

With Lighthouse as the primary analysis engine, Google PSI can provide more comprehensive and accurate analyses. Additionally, you don't need to download a separate extension to perform in-depth website performance checks. Just open the Google PageSpeed Insights website, and you can easily check your website's performance.

How to Use Google PageSpeed Insights:

Here is an explanation of how to use Google PageSpeed Insights step by step:

  1. Open the Google PageSpeed Insights Website.
  2. Enter Your Website Address.
  3. Get the Analysis.
  4. Google will assess your website's loading speed on a percentage scale. A score from 0 to 49 percent indicates that your website is slow. A score from 50 to 89 percent indicates that your website's speed is average. Finally, a score from 90 to 100 percent indicates that your website is fast.
  5. For further details and to check your website, visit Google PageSpeed Insights.

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